Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Hello to Blogger and the bloggers out there. I have not used this space before now but would like a more permanent place to put my thoughts down. I keep hearing rumors about yahoo being shut down and do not want to loose all my blogs. Anyone know how to transfer over all my old posts from yahoo..?

Ok so let me introduce myself here. My name is Karen. I am a mother to 4 kids. Yes, I said four. It amazes me people are shocked that I have 4. I don;t understand it. I always get "They are ALL yours" Well Duh I did not pick up extra kids on my way out the door to drag them to the store with me. hahah.
I am the wife of a U.S Soldier. My husband has been serving for 10 years now and I am so very proud of him. We are stationed in Maryland right now and can not wait to move on. I am from Maryland and I personally like seeing new places. Coming back home was not a new and exciting place for me. That is why I am anxious to move. I miss my family when I am gone but look forward to seeing them on vacations.
I am pursuing my dream, although very slowly, to become a Nurse. I have been going to college on and off for awhile now. Its hard when you move around and keep having kids to continue your college career. I will get this done Just do not know when. I am interested in Pediatric Oncology and would love to be a nurse at St Jude one day. But honestly any pediatric oncology ward will do.
Little things about me I can not type nor spell worth a darn. Please forgive my typos.(hot damn blogger has a spell check!!) I love to read when I can. I love country music but can listen to many other types as well. I used to be a Great line dancer..I bet i can still shake it like there no tomorrow. Well I know I can I am just that good hahahhaha. I am a bit sarcastic too. I have a weird sense of humor. It's all over the place when it come to what I find funny. Let's see... hrmm.... umm... When I think of me about me I am sure I will blog it.
So there a quick intro I am going to go figure out how to move things over I really really really don;t want to cut and copy two years of old post from yahoo..

Thursday, September 6, 2007

My first blog here

Hi, I usually use my Yahoo 360 to blog but thought I would try this out....